Taking a spouses surname under TRNC law

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Taking a spouses surname under TRNC law

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Post by erol »

Bit of a long shot this one but you never know.

Is it possible under TRNC law for a man to take his wife's surname when they get married such that that new surname is the one on his Kimlik card?

The reason I ask this is that when I came to live in the TRNC I was forced to adopt, in the TRNC, a new surname that I had never used or even known about previously , in order for them to give me my kimlik card. I begged and pleaded that I given an 'identity card' here in the TRNC that matched the surname on every single piece of documentation about me or relating to me up till that point. I was told 'no , it's the law'. I did not want a 'new' identity and I did not want 2 identities but none of that matterd in the face of 'TRNC law'. I was offered the helpful suggestion that I could go around and change my name every where else other than TRNC to match the surname the TRNC law insisted was the only one they would recognise. I even sought advise from a TRNC lawyer as to how to legally change my name here in the TRNC to the one I had up till that point been using for my entire life. I was told I could spend thousands of pounds applying to a court for permission to do so and would almost certainly be told no you can not by the court. So I did not pursue it.

I did not want a new identity as I feared having such would come and bite me down the line. Sure enough, down the line, having been 'done over' by the TRNC government over my surname, the UK government then also decided to do likewise as well. At my last UK passport renewal, about 8 years ago, back when you could still do such via the British High Comission here, off I trotted with all my paper work and current UK passport. When I handed it over I was asked what I thought was an 'innocent' question, namely did I have a TRNC ID card, to which I replied yes I did and handed it over. At which point I was told that the UK government would not issue me with a passport that matched the surname on my previous UK passport , that matched the name on my UK birth certificate, that matched the name on my parents marriage certificate and matched the name on every single piece of documentation in my life up to that point (exam qualifications, property title deeds etc etc). I was told the UK government would only issue me a passport in the name forced on me by the TRNC government, a government that the UK one does not recognise as legitimate. What is more I was told that the reason for this was that the UK government having spent 100's of millions of pounds on a border control IT system that could and would track peoples entry in to and exit from the UK, it was realised that this system got 'confused' if people had 2 different surnames , entered the UK under one and left under another. Thus the obvious solution was not to fix the computer system such that it could handle such things but was in fact to force me to change my UK surname that I had used all my life and was on my previous passport that I was seeking to replace to the one the TRNC had forced on me.

So basically having been 'done over' by both the TRNC government and the UK ones over my surname and what it must be and given that I am due to get married soonish , I started wondering what the legal position was in the TRNC about such things. That if once I get married (not in the TRNC in case that makes any difference) I could then change my TRNC surname from what it is now and that I never wanted to that of my wife.

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Re: Taking a spouses surname under TRNC law

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

So you have a stage name?

I can arrange for you to change your name and have all documentation in the same name but it will have to be Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.

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